Heavenly Throne 22
There is a mystery that God had kept hidden for ages and generations that He has now disclosed to His saints. God has chosen to make known to you and me the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
The Book of Revelation is the revelation of this gloriously rich mystery of how Christ lives in you by His Spirit, how He works with you to overcome evil and establish righteousness within your heart and mind and ultimately how you are being transformed and transfigured into His glorious image, till you become the full manifestation of His son (daughter) on earth.
And today you are the mystery of God that Jesus is busy unfolding and making manifest in the earth. You are His inheritance and there is nothing He delights in more that lavishing all His love and mercy and grace upon you.
Jesus is revealed as having His head and hair as white as wool – like glistening snow. His head represents His glorious rule and authority and His white hair represents His righteousness. And just as His head and hair are not separable, neither is His authority and His righteousness. Notice how there is no darkness represented here. Only pure, holy righteousness and absolute authority.
Isn’t it awesome that He tells you to let your light shine? Imagine your own face shining with the same love and glory that His face shines with. Truly He has great faith in you as His inheritance! In your life, as your Savior and Lord, Jesus governs you with the knowledge of all that is righteous in Him and in His kingdom. In heaven there is no sin, no death, no sorrow, no sickness, no disease, etc. There is no anger, disappointment or condemnatory, punishing, judgement.
When He looks at you, He looks at one of His redeemed, one who is a NEW CREATION in Him and His own personal possession, and He is very jealous over you. You belong to Him and not another. You are His delight and through and with the Holy Spirit He is working in you all that is pleasing to the Father. You are His workmanship, created in Him to do good works, which He planned and purposed for you long before the world began.
His kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. This is not merely a good idea; it is the real reality of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus rules and reigns through righteousness, love, joy and peace. When you come to know and understand His rulership as your righteous Judge and King, you will have no fear of Him (as in punishment) because He constantly acquaints you with His righteousness, peace and joy.
Look at what His laws of righteousness do:
The Law of Righteousness is perfect and revives your soul.
The statutes of the Law of Righteousness are trustworthy and will make you wise.
The precepts of the Law of Righteousness are right and bring joy to your heart.
The commands of the Law of Righteousness are radiant and will give light to your eyes.
The fear (respect and honour) of the Law of Righteousness is pure and lasts forever.
The ordinances of the Law of Righteousness are sure and altogether righteous.
The Laws of Righteousness are more precious than gold, more than much pure gold and sweeter than honey. Through these Laws Christ governs your life. Through these Laws He instructs, teaches, reproves and corrects you. These Laws warn you and through keeping them you will find great reward, not only in this life but also in eternity.
So, keep your thoughts continually fixed on these laws because they are authentic and real, honourable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always. Follow the King of Righteousness and the examples that He imparts to you and the God of Peace will be with you and manifest Himself to you in all things.
Scripture References: Col 1:25-29; Rom 12:2; Rom 8:19; Ps 19; Phil 4:8-9 (TPT)
All glory to Jesus, forever. Amen. 🎇
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A very beautiful spiritual message. Thank you.
Beautiful and our King Jesus so amazing
Love this written up about the Law of Righteousness through our Lord Jesus
Thank you for a beautiful teaching. Glory to Him who sit on the Throne, for ever and ever.
Such good uplifting word’s of god