Highest Throne! 1
As we embark on our journey into the Revelation of Jesus Christ and His kingdom, I pray that it will inspire you to know Him with a deep passion and desire, and that your life will be filled with awe and wonder as you fully come into the joy of experiencing Him in all His power and majesty.
This is not going to be a journey about things that are to come, but the beautiful unveiling of all the mysteries that are hidden in Jesus which He is inviting you to come and seek, experience, and enjoy. As you continue in your quest to see Him it will transform you till you become one with Him, fully matured and grown up to where you bring heaven to earth.
In this journey, Satan and his cohorts of sin, death, and disease, will be unmasked before you and will be forced to bow their knees before you because you walk with the King and have been given authority by Him over them. Your light will begin to shine with such glory that no weapon of darkness will be able to stand before you. In your quest to attain to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, which results in your position with Him upon the highest throne (position of power and authority), will be many challenges, battles, revelations and victories.
Our quest is one where we seek to know and have Jesus unveiled within us. It is a journey that emanates from the realm of the spirit where Jesus sits upon the highest throne, to the realm of the soul where He reveals Himself to you as Lord and Saviour, and ultimately down to your physical body and the world around you. You will face the dragons of sin and death, release angels of light, and establish the victory and power of the cross. You will be called to enforce the power of the blood, establish the testimony of Jesus Christ and lay your life down for His sake and for the sake of His kingdom.
It is our journey from earth to heaven and Christ’s journey from heaven to earth through you and me. As His ambassadors to earth we come with His nature becoming fully formed in us, His message revealed in us, and His victory established through us.
No greater call, no greater victory, no greater assignment has ever been given to a generation as to the one we find ourselves in, which is the generation of Jesus Christ and His Church.
You have been personally hand picked by Him, chosen, set apart, anointed and appointed for the tasks that He lays out before you. This will be your own journey with the King of Glory, and it will be your own victory. Then when all is said and done and you stand before His throne may His acclamation of you be, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy (rewards) of the Lord.”
So, arise, shine, be bold and courageous for the best days of your life are before you. You do not face this quest on your own for the Holy Spirit will ride with you and be your constant companion together with the angels and the whole heavenly host.
What must occur will occur swiftly. His angel has been sent, scroll in hand, to deliver the message to His beloved servant (YOU) …