Love Grows!

Have you ever felt the need for more love? Not just for yourself but also to be able to love the “unlovely” people that come across your path?

Great! That puts you and I in the same boat! We need our ability to love to increase so that we can fulfill the royal law to love the Lord and to love one another. The good news is that this is a prayer that we have the right to pray.

I once told the Lord that it would take me forever to get the love thing right. I heard him laugh and say, “That’s because I am LOVE and I am FOREVER!”

I pray that your love will abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight or revelation of heavenly things.

Philippians 1:9-11  And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ–to the glory and praise of God.

Love grows. In order for you to walk in the full measure of God’s love you will need knowledge and understanding regarding spiritual truths which come from seeing deep into the heart of God. As your knowledge of Jesus increases through experience or engaging with Him as the Word, your own ability to love will begin to increase and continue to grow. In fact, this is a process that will never end until Christ has been fully unveiled or revealed in you.

As you interact with the Lord and His unfailing love for you it will begin to purify your mind and emotions. The more you grow in love the less you get offended by the faults and failures of others. Love is the substance that causes the fruit (or character) of Christ to grow in you and change you. It is the greatest area in your live in which you need to gain understanding.

Neither is it a worldly understanding of love. Worldly love is conditional. It is based on the principle of “I will be good to you if you are good to me.”  God’s love is unconditional and is the principle of “I will love you regardless of what you do to me.” This is why we need to pray for our capacity to love to increase. Overcoming the hurts that others cause you, and not to retaliate out of that hurt, takes time, practice and willingness to honour God.

I asked the Lord once to increase the spirit of discernment in my life. His response was that until I was first able to love His people like He does, I would never have true discernment.

Without the love of God flowing in our minds we cannot discern what is best in any situation and can find ourselves “discerning the sins” of others, and then pass evil judgements disguised as “love.”

Pray and ask the Lord to increase your knowledge and depth of insight regarding His love for you and how to release His love, that is already in you, toward your brothers and sisters as well as your enemies. Do this on a daily basis. If you are struggling in a relationship with someone ask the Lord to help you discern the best course of action to take in how to demonstrate love towards them. Be patient but active. Not opening your mouth and returning insults and threats when they are coming at you may look like inactivity to others, but it is very definitely an act of faith and love from God’s perspective. That’s true discernment.


Love always! 😊





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