
I think the most mesmerising, amazing, enchanting, fascinating, and exciting thing that can ever happen to a person is that of being a child that has been born of God! It is not just about being born of God but about having these living, beautiful encounters with Him in your heart and soul.

Being “saved” or “born again” is so much more than just having a ticket to heaven! As wonderful and amazing as that is, God has invited you into a totally life changing and transforming relationship with Him that is more real than anything you can experience with your physical senses. This is what being born of God is all about.

There is a beauty in life that belongs to you as a child of God and that is the privilege and ability to “see” God and to “see” heaven. This “seeing” has nothing to do with your physical eyes, but with the eyes of your heart, which are connected to your soul via the imagination. It has to do with your thoughts and emotions that come alive with all kinds of wonderful encounters with Jesus and His kingdom.

There is a Scripture in Romans where it tells us that we will be transformed, that is changed in every way, spirit, soul, and body, as we renew our minds. To renew your mind is simply to change the way you think. When your thinking changes so does YOUR IMAGINATION! For me the imagination is like a place where the eyes of my spirit, soul, and body come together and interact. It is in this place, which I believe is the heart, the most central place of your being, where you connect with and encounter God.

Look what God says in Romans 12:1-2 (TPT)

Beloved friends, what should be our personal response to God’s marvellous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be His sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes.

Note: Being perfect in God’s eyes is NOT the same as being perfect in the worlds eyes!

To be pleasing to God you need to know how to personally respond to GOD’S MARVELOUS MERCIES! He is not out to be angry or harsh with you. He is out to get you wrapped up in His mercy! When you see God as angry you will never learn to respond to His mercy. When you begin responding to His mercy you will develop a desire to live for Him. And it will not come from thoughts of, “I must please Him. I had better stop committing sin!” You, on your own, will NEVER stop sinning! Neither is God requiring of you never to sin. He requires you to respond to His mercy, His goodness, His kindness and His love.

God’s mercy comes to you in thoughts of love and affection. They will be the thoughts of God’s unending and unfailing love for you personally. Every good thought that you can think of that would cause you to imagine Him as kind, forgiving and immeasurably kind towards you, is His mercy. Your response to God’s mercy also takes place in your conscience, in your mind, in your reasoning, in your emotions, in your will, in your desires, etc. As you respond to His love and mercy in your thoughts, you will begin to experience Him emotionally. It is hard to explain these experiences as they are personal and intimate. They are encounters that bring joy and righteousness to YOUR soul. God is personally interested in YOU! As you begin having these encounters you will want to respond to Him in worship.

As you continue in this loving response to God it will change you from the inside out and bring you into the place where your life with Him is transformed into a relationship of beauty, satisfaction, love and a deep desire for more of Him.

The next time you come to God forget everything except His mercy, His love and His goodness. Forget “trying” to please Him and just love Him and praise Him for His goodness and mercy. Do that until you connect, through your feelings, with His divine majesty. I pray you become totally overwhelmed!

Have a beautiful day! 😊





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