Missing in Action!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that the blog has been “missing” for a while! But I am back, however, your enchanting journey with the Lord never goes missing. It may seem like it at times but no matter what you are going through or doing the Holy Spirit never stops working with you.

The last month has been one of the most hectic but wonderful times of my life. My youngest got married and then I had year end functions in three provinces. It was a time of constant activity, people, and planning. Through it all the blog took a back seat, and so did much of my fellowship times with the Lord. Yet, through it all, the Holy Spirit’s gentle voice, fellowship, and instruction never ceased, even though I was pretty much “missing in action”.

Have you ever felt like you are “missing in action” when it comes to you fellowship with the Lord? Don’t loose heart because the Lord will never leave you, stop talking to you, or ignore you. He is always by your side and His angels are watching over you! No matter where you are His love and faithfulness accompany you because you are His prized possession.

When you go “missing in action” in your prayer and fellowship with the Lord, you are the one that suffers. It is your own heart that feels the loss or emptiness. The Lord has not gone anywhere, He is still living in your heart, and His love is still as full and complete for you as it has always been. Nothing about you changed from His perspective.

Having said that, it is good to feel the emptiness in your soul. It is this feeling that leads you back into fellowship. It causes a longing within you to come and rest in the arms of your Father again. It brings repentance and awareness of your dependence upon Him in all things. He uses it to woo you back into His presence. It is His call of love that you hear deep in your soul that turns you back into His presence where all things are beautiful.

If you have been “missing in action” stop! Turn around! No excuses! Close the door and worship Him for a while. He will refresh your soul, comfort and encourage you, and you will have strength to go forward in His presence and be “found in action!”

With love always. 😊





PS: Share with someone, like and comment 😊


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  1. Amen! Beautiful Yvonne. Welcome back! Thanks for your inspiration and motivation. Thank you Lord for never leaving or forsaking us. xx