My Shield!

Have you ever watched a sci-fi movie where they project a force-field around a planet to protect it? They always look so awesome and powerful and the enemy has a hard time breaking through.

Well, as I worshipped the Lord I began to centre myself “in Him”.  I turned slowly with my hand outstretched and began to sense an invisible shield form around me. My focus was on His love being high above me, far below me and stretched out far and wide around me. I do this as a practice because knowing His love for me is something that He desires.

As I did this He spoke the following to me, “My name is a strong tower and a shield about you.” I began to think about all the Scriptures that talk about Him being my shield and my strong tower.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.

This shield though, was a spiritual force field. It was clear and seemed invisible as it cloaked itself around me. In this place I felt absolutely safe. There was nothing in here that could separate me from Him.  Neither could anything harm me. I felt free and a beautiful encounter with the Lord ensued.

I encourage you to imagine yourself in the centre of God’s love for you. It’s like being in a bubble but this bubble is a strong tower – or more like a strong force field that shields you from the attack of the enemy. In this place you will find safety and feel secure, no matter what is going on around you. Here your thoughts become calm and your heart quiet. Peace and joy begin to fill the atmosphere within it and you feel like you can conquer the world because you see Him. You see your Lord and Protector. Your Saviour and your King.

Come on into the kingdom of heaven. It is an awesome place to be in. 💖💖

May the force field of the Lord shield you and bring you safely into all He has for you.

Lots of love.





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