Pray Until … Part 3!
Have you ever been in a place of anxiety? Anxiety is being extremely worried about something. It comes with such extreme uneasiness in your mind and a foreboding sense of fear. When you are facing these sorts of problems, how long should you pray for to get rid of it?
I don’t know!
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
When you have an anxious situation in your life that you need to deal with will require you to come to God in prayer first. Prayer is about engaging with God and NOT your problem. When dealing with anxiety the first thing is to magnify the Lord to when HE IS BIGGER THAN YOUR PROBLEM!
You magnify the Lord through thanksgiving. Giving thanks to God through praise and worship magnifies the goodness of God and diminishes the voice of fear and worry. It will shrink your problem and bring it into true perspective. Again, you need to know what the will of the Lord is concerning your petition. A petition is a legal document, or a legal case that you bring before God.
Spend some time with the Lord and get your case together. Know what His Word has to say about your situation. Once you have established this bring it to the Lord and give Him thanks. Please note, everything I am talking about happens in your imagination! Worry is a negative imagination and faith is a God imagination. God and the devil both interact with you in your imagination. This is where you “see” and what you “see” will determine your outcome.
This is why the Lord tells you to come to Him with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving. You need to establish His Lordship and His kingdom in your imagination. There is going to be a battle here. The battle for the mind is that battle of the imagination.
So, how long do you need to pray when you are dealing with anxiety? I don’t know. That depends on you. you need to PRAY UNTIL you have no more anxiety. This can take 5 minute or five hours. However, I encourage you to do whatever it takes, as soon as possible. There is no need for anxiety to consume your life!
Be blessed and pray!
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