Precious Faith!

When it comes to your relationship with Jesus, The Father and the Holy Spirit never let any thought or circumstance tell you that they are either upset with you, don’t care about you, or that they are somehow guilty of the evil you find yourself surrounded by.

They love you with every fiber of their being and want and need you to know that. Your faith, which is more precious than gold, operates when it is formed and fashioned within their love for you. Nothing will destroy your faith quicker than the thoughts that tell you God is somehow responsible for your situation. If you allow these thoughts to persist in your heart and mind you will struggle in your relationship with Him and your faith life.

Please make a decision to settle this in your heart and mind once and for all. God loves you, He is with you in everything and is always on your side. When you approach life from this perspective it becomes very difficult for the devil to trip you up. Also, remember God is always patient and kind towards you. He is an instructor and desires to teach and train you in His ways so that you can sit with Him on His throne and rule over the affairs of this life.

You are privileged and honoured and favoured by Him. You are His child and He is in all things training you for the age that is to come. This world will come to an end and all the things you chose to endure with Him in a loving relationship will carry rewards that will never stop producing. Never lose sight of His unending love for you.

Satan uses the cares of this world to try and destroy your faith. Remember, Satan hates you having faith towards God and in God. Therefore, he uses the worldly system of this world to lure you into his ways so that he can nullify your faith. And he will use both the good and the bad things of this world to snare you. Coming into a deeper relationship and revelation of Jesus will always cause you to rise up in triumph over his wicked schemes.

This beautiful world that God has created is in and of itself not evil. It is connected to and ruled over through the evil that lies in the secret place of a person’s (and humanity collectively) heart. It is not the outward circumstances that are visible to the eye that are the cause of all the world’s problems but the condition of the human heart that is at play here.

God knows what goes on inside you, people around you don’t. Therefore, they are in no position to judge you. It is the condemnatory judgements of the world, where they say what is and what is not acceptable, that Satan uses to weaken and destroy your faith. If he can get you to chase after the things this world says are “cool,” “powerful,” “socially acceptable,” etc., then he will gain access to your faith and choke it.

No matter what lies before you, be encouraged and know that God’s plan is far greater than anything you have yet imagined. You are an eternal son/daughter of God and there is no end to the marvelous things He has in store for you. Keep your head high, smile in the face of adversity and keep on fighting the good fight of faith.

Be happy, God is good! 😊


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