Prepared for Battle! 5

God is always faithful; remain steadfast in His love for you and He will guide you safely into His Heavenly Kingdom.

The armour of light that we are to “put on” is called KNOWLEDGE. This is not any ordinary knowledge that we learn as we journey through this world, but the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD which is found ONLY IN CHRIST JESUS. It is knowledge that comes to you from the realm of God which reveals Jesus IN you.

For example, the world says you are a sinner because your actions are sinful, but God says you have been forgiven for ALL your sin, once and for all! The world looks at your outward performance and says you are unrighteous, God looks at your inner man and says you are as righteous as He is.

The world ACCUSES you, God JUSTIFIES you.

Sadly, many believers are still trapped by Satan because they believe the report of the world and not that of Jesus. Satan will ALWAYS use your faults and failures to accuse you. He is called the ACCUSER of the brethren and he really needs to be cast down! He exalts himself against the knowledge of God’s righteousness and justification by focusing you on your faults and declaring you guilty, unforgiven and unacceptable before God. Because of your sin you must be punished! This completely renders the work of the Cross to be ineffective in your life.

Any accusation that arises in your thoughts which have an accusation against you because of something you have or have not done comes from Satan. He uses the rulers of this world (governments, parents, friends, teachers, circumstances, etc.) to verbally declare to you who you ought to be, and over time our own thinking becomes locked into the opinions of these rulers and we lose our freedom to be the children of God that we really are.

As soon as you start thinking in line with God’s thoughts about you the world and all that is in it will rise up against you. Jesus was not crucified because of the miracles He did, He was crucified because He dared to declare Himself as the Son of God. From an outward observation and judgment Jesus looked like a great sinner because He kept violating the rules and regulations that the Pharisees and Sadducees had invented to keep the general population under their control. Jesus had plenty of adverse circumstances. He was even accused of being of the devil! All because He declared who He was in God’s sight and not that of the world.

In the same way, you will come up against the accusers of this world when you want to walk by faith in who you are as a son or daughter of God. This battle can get fierce and very heated, both within you and without you. Therefore, it becomes crucial for you to guard the knowledge of who He is, and who you are, if you are wanting the kingdom of heaven to come to earth through you.

So, we are the children of light and Jesus comes to protect who we are through His Voice which declares that He has justified us and freed us from our sins. Our enemy is the satanic voice of accusation that comes to destroy who we are through the voice of accusation that condemns us and hold us guilty and accountable for our sin.

This battle that we find ourselves in is not between God and Satan, it is between US and the devil. Jesus has already overcome and finished the work that brought Satan down. We now need to enforce who we are in Christ and bring down the forces of darkness within ourselves first and then in the world around us.

Bringing down the voice of the accuser and exalting the Voice of Jesus is both gruelling and exhilarating. It is called the “good fight of faith” and as you enter this arena you will find glorious riches and untold wonder that the Lord has stored up for you being released within you.

To be continued 😊 😊 😊

Have a wonderful day!






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