Resist vs Reject

As I began this blog I heard DADDY jump in and He says, “Hello, I am thinking of you!”

1 Peter 5:5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for

“God resists the proud,

But gives grace to the humble.”

Somehow, I always associated this scripture with rejection – that God rejects the proud – but there is a great difference between rejection and resistance. Is it possible that we mistake God’s resistance as rejection?

The picture God gave me for resistance is that of two wrestlers. They resist one another, one pushing against the other. When God resists the proud it is because He is trying to stop them from going in the wrong direction, and to submit to Him, so that His grace may have free access to their lives. Any continual practice of sin, evil, rebellion, or disobedience is covered in a beautiful covering called pride. And pride attempts to get God to submit to it rather than it submits to God.

Pride makes you feel rejected! Pride will cause you to fight against God. This is a fight you will never win. When you begin to fight with God He will not reject you but take hold of you, like a wrestler, and pin you down until you give up!

God steps in and resists the proud and arrogant person because of His love for them. In His love He is more concerned about their eternal well-being than their temporary comfort. Pride leads to a fall and arrogance to destruction. God is not willing that either of these things happen to one of His beloved sons or daughters. He will stand in their way and resist the direction they are wanting to go in, in the hope that they will surrender and submit to Him and His way, in which they will find eternal life, prosperity, peace and joy.

When you feel like God is resisting you, it is because, in your mind, you have chosen the wrong way, you have chosen to go your own way instead of His way. When you stop to examine your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you will quickly find out whether you are resisting God or whether you are in submission to Him. If you are resisting God, can I encourage you to give up and submit to God? It is far easier to live in His grace than it is to live in your own way, your own works and your own effort.

God will NEVER reject you. He will NEVER discard you or do away with you. He will NEVER refuse you or deny you the things He has promised you. His only purpose in resisting you is to bring you into closer communion with Him.

As soon as you stop resisting God you will have no option but to fall into His arms and receive all His grace, and love, and mercy, and goodness, and peace, and faithfulness, and every other good thing He has for you. Stop insisting on your own way, fall into His love and let Him be Lord. There is no greater love, and peace, and joy than to be totally surrendered to the Lord and His love. Change your ways and go His way – it is always worth it, and remember JESUS LOVES YOU.

Scriptures to meditate on: Isaiah 55:1-13;

You are His! 😊





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  1. Good morning Yvonne I trust you are well? Sorry to burden you with my situation my wife passed away 31/10/2017 and since then it feels as though God “has deserted me ” i don’t have the closeness and joy i experienced before. I want to have that closeness and experience God in my life daily again please advise I feel lost and alone.

    1. Good Morning Marc
      I will send you an email and chat with you. It will come from my Golden Homes email. Will answer as soon as I am able. God bless.