Sardis 10

Everything you do in your relationship with the kingdom of heaven should always come from your focus on the Lord Himself. When you enter your closet, your inner private world, in prayer look for and seek the face of the Lord.

My mind recalls your word, “Seek My face,” so your face Lord, I will seek. (Ps 27:8)

Your goal in prayer is to seek the presence of the Lord within you because you are His temple and the holy of holies is within your own heart. As you connect with and begin to fellowship with Elohim (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), they will invite other beings and/or persons in heaven to join your fellowship. There are many times that I have no conscious thought of the seven spirits before the throne and other times I do. The same is true for everything and everyone that surrounds the throne and dwells in the Father’s presence.

However, it is the Father’s delight to give you the kingdom, which includes all the living beings, persons, and things that are in the throne room. It is quite awesome to have the privilege to interact with the different beings in heaven. But just because you are not actively engaged or conscious of all that goes on at the throne while you are there, does not mean heaven is not busy with you. Your spirit is always conscious of what is going on. As you grow your soul and body become more and more conscious of heavenly things. While you are here on earth most of what happens in heaven is a mystery. The renewing of your mind is about becoming conscious of heavenly things which will totally transform you.

Another wonderful angelic being before the throne is the spirit of Power or Might.

The spirit of Power teaches you how to activate and use the laws of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus in active warfare. However, I have learned that this warfare is not the same as what I was taught and trained in as a babe in Christ. I thought warfare was about how loud, forceful, and long my prayers were against the devil. Today, the devil rarely makes any appearance in my prayer times unless the Father calls me to actively legislate or bear witness to the truth.

Remember, Satan means Accuser, and it is the voice (thoughts) of guilt and condemnation that accuse you before the Father that you need to overcome. This is only achievable through the judgment of the blood of Jesus which decrees (legal term for judgment) that you are without sin before Him and that you are righteous in Him. You belong to another kingdom in which you are sinless and in which Satan has no authorised jurisdiction. Remember who you are!

My first encounter with the spirit of Power left me bewildered and confused, but exhilarated. He stood before me and I simply greeted Him in the name of the Lord. He smiled, grabbed me by the shoulders and plonked a huge kiss on my forehead! That was the last thing I expected. I remember standing there going, “You kissed me? You kissed me!?” He smiled so lovingly and replied, “Is love not the greatest power there is?”

Love conquers all. How well we know this as a biblical truth, but how rarely we experience the power of it. The spirit of Power will teach you how to use the tremendous power of love towards people and all of God’s creation. God’s love is the weapon of heaven against the spirit of sin and death. Without love, which is God’s total and absolute forgiveness of sin through the blood of Christ, we will never win our war. Satan, the accuser of the brethren, will only be overcome when we know how to use the blood, our voice, and our lives to overcome the accusation of sin and death.

May the power of God’s love and forgiveness of you be amplified in your conscience and bring to nought the voice of guilt and condemnation.

In the power of His love 💞


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