Sardis 12

The last of the seven spirits that we will look at is the spirit of the Lord. No, this is not the Lord, it is an angelic being that stands before the throne of God called the spirit of the Lord. Like the others he too will teach you aspects of the kingdom of heaven as they relate to you and how you are to relate to the Lord and His kingdom.

The highest honour and position given to those who overcome is to sit with the Lord on His throne and to rule and reign the kingdoms of heaven and earth with Him. This is an honour, or reward, that is available to all that are born of God, however, not all are going to receive it. It is reserved for those who develop a strong “first love” relationship with the Lord and have overcome the spirit of Mammon. As Jesus said, you cannot serve Him and Mammon. We will cover the spirit of Mammon when we look at the letter to Laodicea.

The spirit of the Lord works together with all the other spirits before the throne. As you grow and mature through the tutorage of the first six spirits before the throne, the spirit of the Lord will take all you have learned and teach you how to sit upon the throne of righteousness, justice, and mercy. This is God’s throne, and your throne needs to be a mirror image of His throne. The spirit of the Lord will teach you about who you are as a king and a lord and how to govern that which the Father has entrusted to you.

To sit with the Lord upon His throne will require you to have overcome some battles in your life. These battles are not about how much money you have, your looks, your status, or your fame. In fact, none of those things have anything to do with your position in heaven. This position is given to those who have developed the mind of Christ and have their thoughts completely united to His thoughts and His ways have become their ways.

This does not mean that your life will be perfect and trouble free. Quite the opposite. Righteousness comes with much persecution and possibly loss of life. The world will not love you, neither will many of the saints who are still growing up themselves. Learning to sit on this throne is about being able to give your life for the sake of your friends and your enemies. It means being joyful when those you love are crucifying you because you can see them through heavens eyes and not earthly eyes. This position cries to the Father to forgive the ungodly and the wicked because they do not know what they are doing.

Look at the following Scripture which shows what happens on the throne from the Father’s perspective.

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy … (Jude 24)

When you step up into the presence of the Lord on His throne, He presents you before Himself WITHOUT FAULT and with GREAT JOY! Firstly, you may have a hard time seeing yourself without fault before God, never mind anyone else. But this is the reality in heaven. In heaven, in eternity, you are without fault and the Father takes great joy and delight in you. The first part of gaining victory over the accuser is to see yourself as the Father sees you – sinless.

Yep, that means you are going to have to deal with some of those nasty thoughts and attitudes that strut around in your mind. These are the thoughts that lead you into sinful acts which in turn give your enemy power to accuse you. The only way to overcome this is to change the way you think and see yourself by shifting your thoughts and emotions and letting them become one with His thoughts. As you do this you will start gaining victory over the temptations of sin.

As you entangle your thoughts and emotions to His thoughts and emotions, they (the thoughts of God) will keep you from stumbling and falling. And if you do stumble or fall, they will pick you up again. Your first step to learning to sit on the throne is to see yourself as He sees you. This will take time, meditation, faith, and practice.

Once you learn to see yourself as He sees you then He will invite you up to sit with Him on the throne. When you are seated here you then have to learn to see every believer, regardless of their faults and failures, as holy and righteous in your own presence, because you are now seated with God on His throne. The same mercy that God has shown towards humanity in the death of His Son must become the mercy that you make all decisions through. The spirit of the Lord will teach you how to do this.

We have a lot of growing up to do but the Father has given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms to be able to grow up in Him. The seven spirits before the throne are part of His plan to help you mature into a fully mature son/daughter of God that can sit upon His throne and rule with Him. On the throne you must be able to judge with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, power, and fear because you now sit in the same position as the Lord Himself.

This is a high and glorious calling. My prayer is that you will turn your face towards this “burning bush,” and like Moses will take of your shoes and reverence the Lord of glory till you shine in His full glory.

You are the most holy child of God!



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