Smyrna 17

It gives the Lord great pleasure to declare you innocent! Don’t deprive Him of it! 😊

The Lord told the saints in Smyrna not to be fearful of the suffering they would face in the days ahead, but to be aware of the devil. The same holds true for you. Do not fear the suffering you go through nor any fearful events that may lie ahead. Yes, there may well be tough times ahead, but when has there ever been a time on earth that has not been tough? Life on earth is tough because there is a vicious devil who has a tremendous lust for blood and violence!

Jesus clearly told the saints to be aware of the devil. In another place He tells His saints not to be ignorant of Satan’s schemes. Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. When you see these things, you know Satan is at work. Jesus warned the saints that the devil would have some of them thrown into prison, and others would have great distress – affliction in their bodies or minds, misfortune, danger and desperate need. These are all the attacks of the devil designed to destroy your faith. Satan uses these attacks to turn your faith away from God. If he can do so, he will maintain his victory over your life, and he will use the Law of Moses to tell you it’s your fault and that God does not love you! Beware! Be awake! Be vigilant!

Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour. Take a decisive stand against him and resist his every attack with strong, vigorous faith. For you know that your believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure. And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in His eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up. And He has all the power needed to do this – forever! Amen (1 Peter 5:8-11 TPT)

All through the church’s life the saints have had to endure these attacks. Even today, there are vicious attacks, murders, and other atrocities committed by Satan against God’s people. But Jesus encourages you to remain faithful to your faith in Him even if it costs you everything you own, including your very life. There are the most incredible and wonderful rewards waiting for you when you see Him face to face. Remember, your life is eternal! 😊

Jesus told the saints in Smyrna that they would have to suffer for ten days. Well, ten days have come and gone, and for the most part ten days is not a long time to endure suffering! So, what did Jesus mean when He used the words “ten days?”

The number 10 as well as the 10th letter in Hebrew is the YOD and it symbolises the hand of God. Through prophetic language the Lord is simply telling you that no matter how long you have to endure suffering His hand will always be upon you and with you. His hand is filled with blessing, and honour, and goodness. He will always take care of you. Jesus said not to fear what men could do to your body but to fear the one who could throw both your soul and your body into hell. In other words, don’t be concerned with the things pertaining to life or death on this planet, concern yourself with the eternal things of heaven and you will have great reward.

Other wonderful mysteries to the YOD are its association with the Father, with the beginning and the end (interesting as Jesus whole point in this letter is to reveal who He is as the Beginning and the End); God’s omnipresence; humility; God’s delight in using the small, the weak, and the insignificant to demonstrate His power and glory. Everything in mathematics has its base in 10; it is considered the building block of all creation; and the list goes on.

Ten is also considered the fulness or completion of God’s authority and government on earth. Therefore, it symbolises the full completion of all law and responsibility. Jesus fulfilled and took responsibility for everything the Law of Moses demanded and completed its requirements to bring it to an end and to justify humanity. He is the Beginning of a new Law, with a new kingdom and a new way of doing things. This is the Law of the spirit of life in Him.

Under this law and in this kingdom sin and death have no power and the saints that live in this kingdom will bring complete redemption to creation and death to sin and death!

Jesus is encouraging you to stay faithful to Him and His kingdom until heaven has come to earth and sin and death have been utterly destroyed.

He is revealing Himself to you and me in His great power and glory and encourages us not to despise our faith in Him because of the fiery tests and trials the enemy subjects us to. He who is The End will speak, and we will be triumphant. Heaven will be established on earth and all sorrow and mourning will fade away. What a glorious hope we have been given.

Let’s live in the wonderful hope and glory that awaits us as we wait for our amazing resurrection from the dead.

Scripture References: Rev 2:1-11; Jn 10:10

Have a wonderful week! 😁😂


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  1. Yvonne

    I was gonna declare that “you probably don’t know how much God is using you to build me up” but knowing Abba Father, He built you up and is now doing so to me through you.

    Continue to let Him use you.