The Key!

There is one key, it is the most important key in the universe, and it is imperative to your life that you find it. This key unlocks heaven and earth. Not everyone will find it and not everyone will seek it. But to those that have found this key it is the source of great joy, peace and confidence, not only in this life but also in the one that is to come.

One day the disciples came back to Jesus, after He had sent them out to perform signs and wonders, elated and ecstatic with joy. They had cast out devils, healed the sick, raised the dead. People had flocked to them to hear what they had to say and to receive the glory of God that was pouring out of them. Never had they had so much fun. This life with Jesus was heaven on earth.

When they had all calmed down and gathered together for their evening meal, Jesus revealed to them the key that was greater than all they had just experienced and witnessed. Not only that, He tells them not to rejoice – be ecstatically happy – that they can perform all these miracles and have people gathering to them, but to rejoice – be ecstatically happy – that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

Question: How many times have you been, or anyone else you know, ecstatically happy because your name is written in heaven? Are you, or they, continually ecstatically happy because of this? Do you get “down in the dumps” or upset because things go wrong and your faith is “not working”? Don’t put up your hand, you’ve been rowing in this boat with me for too long! 😊

How many times have you experienced the goodness of God where you have had your prayers answered and seen God perform miracles? Are you in a place where life is good, you’re are healed, prosperous and all is going well with you and yours? This is a divine place and it is a place in life that God desires for all of us. After all, we are called and commissioned to bring heaven to earth.

In all these tests and trials, be they good or bad, have you been ecstatically happy because your NAME has been WRITTEN in HEAVEN? I have not, and I don’t know anyone that is continually ecstatically happy because of their name being written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Can you imagine what might happen if we, as the church, actually began to be ecstatically happy in every situation because our names are written in His Book? I wonder what Christianity would then look like to the world, and how mad we would make the devil.

To be continued …

Have an ecstatic day! 😂🤩😂





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