Tiny Bubbles!
Tiny bubbles, in the wine! Tiny bubbles, make me feel fine,
Tiny bubbles, make me warm all over,
With a feeling that I’m gonna love you ‘til the end of time …
Scripture tells us to be drunk on the wine of the Holy Spirit. His wine is His love and the more you drink it (engage Him in His love) it will make you feel fine, warm, and give you a feeling that you are going to love Him ‘til the end of time.
However, there are other tiny bubbles that often come and take our attention away from His love. They are found in the little things that we call problems. We tend to stare at and pay lots of attention to these tiny bubbles wondering how to pop them, when all we have to do is point our finger at them, reach out and touch them, and “poof” they pop!
These tiny bubbles are “space invaders!”
They stream into your consciousness with their little lies telling you that they are bigger than your bubble! 😂😂 What a joke! Poke your finger of love at them and “pop” them. Have some fun. Turn your face back to the Holy Spirit and walk around with Him popping those bubbles!
Work on engaging with the love of God. Keep hugging Him. Keep talking to Him. Keep having fun with Him. Ask Him to teach you how to pop the tiny bubbles that this world blows in your face. Don’t fear the things you are facing, take each one, stick your finger in its face and pop it through the continual praises of God in your mouth. It’s so simple. Be like a child in your Father’s house and go pop some bubbles.
I know this sounds silly, but Jesus said that unless you come like a little child you will not see His kingdom. In other words, you will not gain the understanding that you need in order to face the things you are facing. It begins with joyful, fun and playful intimacy with Him. There is no greater power than His love for you and it is His love that causes you to have victory in everything.
Have a bubbly day. 🎇
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Tiny Bubbles: Written by: Leon Pober. Published by: Universal Music Publishing Group