Anger Issues
Today I want to share a personal testimony from my husband Dave. If you or someone you know struggles with anger, then I pray that this blog will be of great help and encouragement.
Dave’s testimony
As far back as I can remember I have been angry at everything and everyone. I have a scar on my right arm due to punching out a window because it would not open at the age of 5.
For many years I have asked the LORD to help me with the ‘anger issue’. Then recently, while watching a YouTube video words arose from within me and said, “forfeit your right to be angry” and it dawned on me that I was giving a justifiable reason to be angry every time I lost my temper. So, I had subconsciously given myself permission to be angry and therefore I was right. WRONG!! Jesus said the opposite in many other words, but in reality, He said, “As a follower of Him you have given up your right to be angry”.
Will you be angry? Yes, but you don’t have to act on it and sin. Please take this as a personal confession from me to you because I know we all have anger issues and need a living powerful word from our Father that can restrain our bad self.
My wife Yvonne is so much happier and very overwhelmed and fascinated by the change.
Thank you, Jesus my Deliverer!!
My side of the story.
It is true that our marriage and relationship has been filled with anger. I came out of a relatively quiet and peaceful home and into a marriage with an angry man. I was aware that Dave had anger issues but had great faith that God would deal with it. From fearful heart palpitations in the beginning of our marriage, to never being able to do anything right, to disappointment and hurt that ran deep, and eventually losing hope to where I even stopped praying for him.
And yes, we have been tempted to, and threatened, divorce many times. I have wished him dead, thought about killing him myself, and longed just to be away from him. But through it all the Lord would step in and say, “Forgive him.” When I would complain the Lord would say, “Leave him alone, he is My son. Forgive him.” Boy, sometimes (most times) that was hard to do …
Thirty-four years later …
Dave makes me coffee and shares his revelation with me. And suddenly, every time he triggers, he catches his breath and says, “I have forfeited my right to be angry.” I heard him go downstairs and his voice come thundering up the stairs. As per habit I shout back wondering what’s wrong now, and what have I neglected to do. He answers back, “Nothing, I have forfeited my right to be angry.”
This is now the “new norm” in the house. He triggers, and I have an immediate trigger that fires back in defence and he smiles and says, “Stop it, forfeit your right to be angry!” It is quite funny.
I am sharing the video clip from Brandt Hansen which turned Dave’s heart around and hope that this will encourage you too. Please share this with others. When we all come together having forsaken our rights to be angry with others and this world, love will arise and our families, our friends, and the world will be healed, delivered, and made whole.
Love and blessings 💞
Dave and Yvonne
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Thank you Yvonne & Dave. I have been greatly inspired by the teachings of Francis Frangipane over many years. He has a particularly strong emphasis on being unoffendable. The other night I lay wide awake after a dream about an extremely belligerent group who attacked our home. Suddenly it dawned on me that my reaction to retaliate came from an anger within that was now exposed. I had to repent, and then fell into peaceful sleep ( which was amazing considering my emotions when I woke up). Blessings!