Coffee Time!

Coffee! I wonder if the Lord drinks coffee? I like coffee, especially my morning cup of coffee. I offered the Lord coffee one morning as I fellowshiped with Him and then wondered if He drinks it. He did not answer except to tell me that He enjoys watching me enjoy my coffee 😊

I asked Him to show me something of His glory. He reminded me of a time when I heard loud noises of joy and laughter coming from one of the offices and wondered what they were talking about. Latter I went to take some documents through to Innocent and found that they were discussing the things of the Lord, His return, heaven, etc., so I stayed and joined in.

Sometimes we miss the simple things that bring so much glory and honour to the Lord. He finds great pleasure when we fellowship together and talk about Him. I think the Lord loves to be the “center of the party” because then He can share His glory, His goodness and His grace with us. When we exalt Him, and give Him the highest place of honour in our hearts, our lives and our conversations, we become the center of His world and then all eyes in heaven are on us.

The Lord is so interested in you and all you do and say. He is particularly “perky” when you talk to Him or about Him. I see Him sitting up tall and talking about you to His friends – His Father, the Holy Spirit, the angels and others that inhabit His heavenly kingdom. You become the “center of attraction” and here, in His palace you really want to be His joy and delight because it comes with so many benefits. 😊

I encourage you today to find someone you can talk to about the Lord. If you do not have anyone then sit down with a cup of coffee (or tea, or hot chocolate,) and talk to Him. Ask Him questions about Himself. Let Him reveal something about who He is and what He does to you. Take time to relax and be quiet. Focus your thoughts on Him, close your eyes and see the Majesty of the One who lives in you.

Malachi 3:16-18 then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honoured His name. “They will be mine,” says the Lord Almighty, “in the day when I make up My treasured possession. I will spare then just as in compassion a man spares his own son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.”

“Cheers!” (to coffee time!) 😊





PS: You can chat to me in the space below 😊



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