Disarmed the Enemy!
Discouragement is a powerful weapon that the enemy uses to disarm you.
To disarm someone is to take away their weapons and their ability to fight. Jesus won His fight against the principalities and powers of this world and disarmed them. He stripped them of their weapons, their rights and their ability to overpower you. They are under His control and dominion. They are still stubborn and rebellious, they still cause death and destruction, but when it comes to Christ, they are under His feet.
And here is the glory. Jesus has now given you the right and authority to disarm them too!
How did they get “rearmed” if they have already been disarmed? Satan’s kingdom gets armed through our sin. When we (mankind) sin we empower or arm the devil with the weapons he needs to destroy us. They get armed and we get the right to go and disarm them again. The Church, that’s you and me, get to destroy him and his kingdom.
We get to win and win and win and win some more. We get to learn and practice our skills on demons and when we win we get the victor’s crown.
Discouragement is one of the enemies weapons we need to destroy and the greatest way to destroy it is through being encouraged by knowing that your name is written in heaven. When you feel down or find depression starting to overwhelm you (for whatever reason) begin to think about heaven and that you belong to this kingdom, and that there is nothing anyone or anything can do to separate you from it. Your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. You are the Father’s beloved. You are an over-comer and the crown belongs to you.
All of heaven is with you. All the angels are for you. All the saints and the great cloud of witnesses are with you and cheering you on. Most of all, God, is cheering you on. He loves you. You are His best and He will help you to win. Allow your mind, your thoughts and imagination to get involved. See heaven and all the saints and angels with you. See your enemy. See the Lord. Take your sword, it has your name written on it. Hail (praise) the King and then turn on your enemy. See yourself destroy Him. Do this until a smile creeps over your face and joy arises in your heart and mind. You will have won the battle!
Then go and have a fantastic day. 😊
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 61:3; 1 John 3:8
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