Heavenly Throne 13
One thing the Lord spoke to me about concerning Revelation is to not separate it from the rest of the things that we learn in Scripture. The doctrines of Christ, being repentance from dead works, faith towards God, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead, eternal judgment and righteousness (7 doctrines) are pivotal in understanding the mysteries He wants to reveal to us.
Sadly, most of Revelation has been boxed into a package that will happen at some point where the bad people will be destroyed, and the good people will come back and live with Jesus on earth forever. It becomes difficult putting our “love your enemies” doctrine into end time theology if we believe God is going to come back and destroy all His enemies – THAT HE DIED FOR – with hell, fire and brimstone! Seriously, if God does not love His enemies and can only win His victory over death by using death to destroy everyone that is “unsaved” then what hope do we have in ever coming to truly love and forgive our enemies?
Another question the Lord asked me is whether I really believe that the law of sin and death, which is the law of Moses, is greater than the Law of the Spirit of Life that came through His death and resurrection? Do I really think that hate is more powerful than love and do I really think that bombs and war are greater weapons than His Voice? After pondering these questions, I had to conclude, “No, I don’t.” One Scripture after the next began to wash over my mind as my once dearly beloved end times theology came tumbling down.
The Book of Revelation is about Jesus (The Godhead/Triune God) revealing Himself to His Church and His Church to the world. It reveals how Light destroys darkness, how Love overcomes hate, and how Life will finally destroy death. God’s weapons, which are our weapons, are righteousness, joy and peace. Love is the greatest power in the universe, and it is through LOVE that Jesus will conquer all (1 Corinthians 13:4)
This brings me round to the number seven that has so much prominence in Scripture. Seven is often referred to as the number that represents spiritual perfection, completion and rest. The seven churches together bring the church into spiritual perfection, one complete temple of God and perfect rest. The judgments, trumpets, woes, bowls, eyes, etc., are all there to help the Church come into her perfection in Christ and her final conquest over Satan (the beast).
However, for the Church to come into this perfection it will require you and I to come into this perfection in our own lives. This is about us, our union with Christ, our walk on earth and our victory over sin and death. Everything in Revelation is about Jesus appearing to you NOW. We live in His day, which is called TODAY. He is coming back TODAY! He has transcended time and space and He has raised you up (raptured) and HAS seated you with Him in heavenly places, where the end and the beginning have already been completed.
All that remains is for our minds and our bodies to come into the knowledge and revelation that Jesus has already won, and He has already defeated sin and death. It is now up to us to learn how to walk in this revelation so that we can restore and redeem all of creation and bring it back into the love and life that it had before sin entered into this world.
So, to me seven represents the process of spiritual perfection through which heaven comes to earth, which is part of what Jesus said we should be praying for and expecting.
“Lord, let your kingdom come, and your will be done, in and through us here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.”
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