In the cool of the day, probably as the sun started to rise or set, Jesus would pitch up at Adam and Eve’s place. Here He would spend time chatting with them. It would be interesting to know what all they would talk about.
The question is, did Adam and Eve see the Lord when He came to visit? I would think so, after all, He is a Being in whose image they have been made. It would make sense that they saw Him. But Scripture says they “heard the sound” of the Lord as He was walking in the cool of the day. Something interesting is that the word “cool” is the same word used for wind or spirit. I guess the Holy Spirit was coming with Him blowing a gentle tune 😊. He would have been calling them because they had hidden themselves and were not “at home” where He normally found them.
Jesus is no different today. He still comes looking to visit with you in the cool of the day. The difference is that the “garden” has moved and is now a place in your own heart. This is where He comes to meet with you. You don’t have to go far or go to a quiet place or sit in a particular manner. All you need to do is close your eyes and look within you. He is there, and He is waiting for you. As His child you are no longer “outside” the garden. You live with Him, permanently!
My youngest granddaughter sat with me in my prayer one morning. Most of this time was spent just talking about the Lord and I asked her if she had ever seen Him. She said, “No”. So, here we were sitting cross legged on the floor facing each other when I told her to close her eyes and imagine seeing the Lord. Then, when she sees Him to go up to Him and give Him a hug. She closed her eyes and after a few seconds she spun around, jumped up with her eyes still closed and hugged the Lord and told Him she loves Him. I just sat in awe.
She heard Him behind her first but when she heard Him she purposed to look and then saw Him. You can do the same. He is waiting for you, always waiting, longing and hoping for you to turn your attention towards Him. He wants to be hugged and He wants to hug you. This is what life with Jesus is all about.
Have a “hugging” day.
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