Not for Wimps!

Being a Christian is not for wimps!

Following Jesus is the hardest thing you can do in this life. It will put you at odds with almost everyone on earth, including some of your closest family and friends. Sometimes you may find yourself at odds with other saints that are following Him. Then you have your own unrighteous attitudes (your flesh) which constantly war with you in your mind as you try and follow the Lord. And if that is not enough, God has you dealing with devils and fallen angels who are hell bent on attacking you. This is not for wimps!

Only those who love the Lord, and His Word would dare to take on such a life. Why does God not just make it easy to serve Him? Why do we have to suffer and endure all kinds of tests, trials, and tribulations? Couldn’t He have just gotten rid of the devil and his angels once and for all when He died? Why did He leave them here on earth for you and me to contend with?

Mostly, I think this is because He is looking for sons and daughters who think like Him, act like Him, and move like Him. I think it gives the Lord great pleasure to train us in His ways and in the knowledge of His truth so that we can overcome the enemy of our soul and execute the eternal judgments that the Lord has decreed concerning them. He is training warriors, not wimps. And you are one of those upon whom He has placed His seal and whom He has set you apart for this great glory and honour.

So, yes, having to deal with all these things is a heavenly design and purpose to perfect you and to mature you as a most holy one, a saint, a beloved child of God who loves the Lord and destroys the works of the devil. You cannot destroy the works of the devil if you do not operate in his realm. This realm of death, which Psalm 1 calls the valley of the shadow of death, is only found here on earth and now it’s your time and your season to align yourself with your King and to ride out in battle with Him.

There is one mission and one purpose – to destroy the works of darkness. How do you do this? By learning to walk in the fruit of the spirit. The more you develop the character and nature of Jesus within you the brighter your light shines and the greater your power over darkness increases.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (Gal 5:22 – 23) 

You are not a wimp! You are not a worm! You are not defeated! You are not hopeless! You are not worthless!

You are the highest of all God’s creation, uniquely created by His hand alone, high and lifted up, seated in heavenly places with your God, full of faith, hope, and love. So extremely valuable that He was willing to come down and identify Himself with you, to walk with you, to die for you, and to raise you up to be with Him forever. Remember who you are!

You are the son/daughter of the Most High God! Be strong and courageous for greater is your God who lives in you than the world of darkness around you.

Love and blessings


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