Pergamum 30
Continuing with how Jesus wages war remember that He is always kind and in His kindness towards humanity He does not change. He died for all people, He loves them all, and His grace, mercy, and forgiveness are towards everyone. He died to save us all. He cried out to the Father to forgive them all. And the Father did. He is no longer judging, by implication punishing, humanity for their sin.
I think it is important for us to know how Satan wages war and how Jesus wages war. Satan wages war against humanity through the temptations of sin. Please note that Satan cannot make you sin. He can tempt you, but he needs you to act on his temptation through an act of your own will. Once you give him your agreement you effectively give him control over the results, which is to bring you to the point of death. Sin gives Satan legal authority to enforce the Law of Moses, which is the law of sin and death. When we see death and destruction in the earth, as we are now with Covid-19 and the financial world crumbling, it is not God enforcing some kind of punishment for sin (if He were then the cross was in vain) but Satan releasing his authority to bring destruction because of mans desire for sin and death.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. Jn 10:10 (NLT)
But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. 1 Jn 3:8 (NLT)
The Law of Christ, however, is very different. The Law of Christ is called the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus which comes through the knowledge of His grace and truth. God’s grace and truth are manifest in the forgiveness of sin through the shedding of His blood and the power of His resurrection from the dead which released eternal life to all humanity. However, there is a condition. Just as Satan cannot make you sin; Jesus does not make you accept His grace either. The choice is yours and you alone take responsibility for your choices.
Scripture says that mercy triumphs over judgment that inflicts punishment. Jesus demonstrated this in His death and resurrection. The eternal principal of ‘mercy triumphs over judgment’ (being the judgment of death) is still as powerful today as it ever was. Sin, sickness, and death are all conquered by mercy – FORGIVENESS! When we, the saints, learn to sit and rule from the throne of mercy and forgiveness we will conquer the world. But for as long as we think sickness, sin, poverty and death are God’s weapons of war, our enemy will continue to defeat us simply because he has effectively persuaded us that his doctrine of eternal punishment is greater than God’s doctrine of eternal life.
Jesus is extremely passionate for His own people and has a tremendous hatred towards Satan and what he does to His creation. When Jesus comes to us, His most holy and beloved saints, to correct and discipline us, it is for one reason only and that is His hate for Satan to have any kind of control over us. He does get “hot under the collar” and will use the very hardships that we have created through disobedience to discipline (disciple)us, which is simply to correct our inner belief patterns. If we refuse to repent, which means to take on His mind – His thoughts and ways – then we will just cause things to get tougher! Until we all come into the unity of the faith and the love of the Son of God and do His will.
If we want to see the kingdom of heaven come and Jesus’ eternal kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy set up on earth then we are going to have to learn to stop judging one another for our sins, faults, and failures and minister to each other the truth about God’s mercy and grace. This is a warfare waged from another realm, an eternal realm, the realm of heaven where there is no sin or condemnation towards anyone.
Our faith in the grace and truth of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness to all humanity must grow. We must come to the point where we see humanity through God’s eyes and not our own. We must become heavenly minded and develop our eternal perspective. We must become well acquainted with the power of Christ’s death and resurrection. We must go back to our foundations and fix the cracks and holes in our theology. When we fully understand the doctrine of righteousness in Christ Jesus, we will overcome our final enemy together with the Lord. Death will be no more. The grave will no longer exist.
I pray that the Lord would open the eyes of your understanding to the revelation of the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. I pray for you to come into the glorious mystery of holiness and for His eternal life within you to flow into all that is around you
Love you always, 💛
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