Pergamum 5
As Jesus establishes His word in you and you establish your words in Him, He will begin to take you out into the battle arena.
Notice though, that He establishes His relationship with you first. Your thoughts and actions need to be in union with Him BEFORE He takes you to do battle with the enemy. If you are still in Satan’s territory, meaning you still have a worldly mindset that conflicts with the Lord, then you will not be effective against the enemy of your soul because you will still see the world which Satan rules as a friend rather than an enemy.
Now, just as Jesus makes His home in you through the sound of His VOICE, demons do the same thing. They communicate and fellowship with you in your mind too. They come looking like friends, they sound like friends, but their words are filled with deadly poison. They are deceivers and they are after all that rightfully belongs to you because God gave it to you. Their goal is to get you to side with them and to oppose the Lord. This is the only way they can get access to you. They will do everything in their power to speak to you and deceive you into believing that God is against you.
Beware, your enemy is walking around in your thoughts looking for places where He can destroy the WORD of God within you.
Knowing the sound of the Lord’s voice is the most important thing in your life. His Voice and Words are the only weapons that can bring down the enemy of your soul. This requires a deep knowledge of the foundational principles of the doctrines of Jesus Christ, which are crucial to your victory. When you know who Jesus really is and how His kingdom works, you will destroy the works of the devil. Done and dusted!
Sometimes I feel that the saints have been taught too much about the devil before they have been firmly established in a loving and powerful relationship with Jesus, which is completely based in communing with the Lord in their hearts. As a result, I have seen believer’s stay trapped in guilt and condemnation which in turn causes them to struggle in their relationship with God.
Guilt and condemnation are satanic weapons designed to snare you into believing that your faults and failures cause you to be displeasing to God, and the more you try to please God, the more you fail, and the more you fail the more you feel guilty and condemned. This is a vicious cycle that breaks when you learn to accept that His thoughts about you are loving, forgiving, gentle and good. You are perfect and blameless before Him and He loves you with an unwavering love.
If you are in a place where you struggle with guilt and condemnation then it’s time to take your eyes off trying to do things that you think would please the Lord and to sit at His feet learning about who He is and what He does. Heaven is a real place, and this is where He lives. He has invited you to live there with Him. Heaven, which is within you, is open to you. The Father’s throne is always open to you. Nothing is hidden or withheld from you there. In this place is perfect love, joy, righteousness, and peace. Here perfect love drives out all fear. Here you will find life, and faith, and hope.
Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 5:8; Mat 7:15; Hebrews 5 & 6;
Make heaven your home! 😁🤩
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Thanks for the spiritual food. Be blessed
Amen. Thanks for refreshing my soul.