Philadelphia 3

Jesus has a mysterious key called the key of David. What is this key and what doors does it open and close? Another question to consider is WHERE are these doors that He opens and shuts? There is a duality in Scripture which is between heaven and earth. When you read Scripture with a heavenly mindset then things look very different.

Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1)

“… raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus.” (Eph 2:6)

The Book of Revelation is not written to earthly people, it is written to a newly created class of holy beings called saints. Believers in Jesus Christ, who have been born of the Father, or born of heaven, are not the same beings as those who are dead in their trespasses and sins. You were once a “dead” person but now you are a “living” one. Remember who you are!

The Book of Revelation is from the Lord of heaven written to the saints of heaven. Trying to read and understand this Book from an earthly perspective will leave you horribly confused. It is not of this world. It is spiritual and only the spiritual – those who are heavenly minded – will begin to discern what it says. This Book is about the beautiful union of Christ with His church (you) and the destructive power this union brings to the forces of darkness – the beast, the dragon, Satan, the whore of Babylon, and the false prophet. It is not about demonic victory but about His victory in and through us.

In the Old Testament Jesus, who is the YHWH (God) of Israel, worked with the Israelites against these demonic powers (or gods) from an earthly perspective through the Law of Moses. When Israel obeyed YHWH, their lives were blessed and they defeated their physical enemies; when they disobeyed and went off to worship these foreign gods, destruction came, and they ended up being taken prisoners by their enemies. They only had power against flesh and blood. The saints have power against the demons that operate in the heavenlies, who exercise their wickedness against humanity from a higher realm. Jesus came to destroy their power and authority and through His death and resurrection, elevated us to a position that is higher than theirs.

From here where we are seated in power and authority in Christ, we bring sin and death to an end.

So, what is the symbolism of the key that Jesus possesses? This key that Jesus has is a single key. It is His key so whatever this key is it is about Him and He alone owns it.

In this letter to Philadelphia Jesus quotes a passage of Scripture in Is 22:22. “I’ll place on his shoulders the key to the house of David – what he opens, no one will shut, and what he shuts, no one will open.”

In ancient culture there was a custom where a key would be placed upon the shoulders of the one who had been chosen, or anointed, to carry great authority and responsibility over a particular kingdom and people. The key represented the power and authority the person has. In the case of Jesus, He is the one who has power and authority over everything.

Then Jesus came up and told them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” (Mt 28:18)

He is the King of the universe, He is the King over the earth, He is the King over creation, He is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. There is nothing in heaven, on earth, under the earth, or in the sea over which He does not have authority. He is the only one with ALL power and authority. He is Lord over sin and death. He is Lord over sickness and disease. He is Lord over ALL the powers of darkness, and He is Lord over everyone in His kingdom too.

Jesus Christ is Lord!


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