“As the light of heaven begins to glow before us, and the things of this earth begin to melt and fall away, there is going to emerge a body of believers from all different levels of spiritual growth and spiritual life. All of the things which are transitory are going to be gone, and those who have pleased God will stand on that firm foundation in the eyes of God!

This day is special to God. It is a day that he has looked forward to for a long time. This is the day Paul talked about when he said he knew he could trust God to keep those things, which he had committed to him against that day! He continues in 1 Corinthians 4:5 where he says, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have PRAISE OF GOD!” “At that time God will give to each one whatever praise is coming to him” (TLB).

Every person is going to hear those words, “Thank you, thank you! You did a good job.” Some people do more than others, but EVERYBODY there will have praise of God.

“Then shall EVERY man have praise of God.” The apostle Paul said that the day was going to declare it. All the beautiful things God has written down for you are going to be known on that glorious day. God doesn’t do things that aren’t important, so think what it will mean to him when he takes your hand as you stand before him, looks you in the eye, and says “Thanks! Thanks for all those things you did for me!” Every Christian is going to hear those words, “Thank you! You did a good job!”

My human mind could not comprehend how God could ever say thank you to me. I shall never forget the awesomeness of the moment when the angel told me that on that glorious day, God would say those words, because it is beyond my ability to understand that God could love me so much that he would ever say, “Thank you, Roland Buck!”

I asked the angel to explain what is meant by “things of darkness and the counsels of the hearts,” and this was his answer: “God will shine his light on the hidden corners of the hearts of those who have served him because of their love, not expecting thanks. For these things, too, they will hear God say thanks.” This does not mean in relation to evil deeds. The angel referred to it as the beautiful, but hidden things that people have not known about your life. God is going to tell you good things that you don’t even know about yourself! He knows all of your thoughts, and even those good thoughts are worthy of praise!

I don’t know when Jesus is coming. How I wish the angel had given me some indication, but he didn’t. Events pointing toward his coming are happening fast, however, and angels are moving hindrances out of the way. People are being moved about and touched by God more than I have ever witnessed before.”

Exert from the book Angels on Assignment, Charles and Frances Hunter.

These words woke me over and over last night filling me with the overwhelming joy and love of the Lord and hope it has blessed you to.

Have a blessed day! 😊





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