There is an enchanting promise that the Lord gives to the saints in Philadelphia where He promises to keep them from the hour of trial that is coming …
I was adopted into a beautiful loving first generation missionary family at seven days old. My mum and dad both met on the mission field and promptly …
Jesus introduces Himself to the holy ones, the saints, in Philadelphia as the One who is Holy and True. Notice how Jesus is addressing the holy ones a…
The chastisement of the Lord! WOW! How I used to avoid this horrid word and the images it conjured up in my mind. Images of God on His throne being up…
The Lord warned the saints in Sardis that if they did not wake up, they would find Him coming in an hour that they were not expecting Him. What is thi…
The last of the seven angels that presides over, or oversee, the seven churches is the angel that holds the message of the Lord to the church in Laodi…
I learned something very interesting about angels over the weekend. Angels and demons are spiritual beings which differ from humans because they do no…