The Blue Shack!

In a dream some years ago Dave had a very pertinent encounter with the heavenly realms. In it he found himself being attacked by someone coming at him with a weapon that looked like a pair of shears. In the fight Dave overpowered him and wrestled the shears out of his enemies’ hands, at which point the attacker cried, “Blue shack, Blue shack!”

A few days later, in another dream, he found himself in a log cabin when suddenly three men entered the cabin. This time he got up and commanded them to get out. Once outside he had them stand next to three pillars and asked them whether they knew what Blue Shack meant, to which they replied, “Yes.” When he enquired of the Lord, he received the following Scripture.

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light to shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that all this surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Cor 4:6-7)

Your physical body is made from the dust of the ground and in this context, Paul refers to it as a jar of clay. In the dream it refers to the shack. From a natural, physical point of view we often look like a shack with all out imperfections, faults and failures. Some parts of our “shack” are complete and whole while other areas are broken, missing, in desperate need of repair, etc.

However, inside the “shack” it is completely different. Inside you is the glory of God! You carry the light of God’s glory which becomes brighter and brighter as Jesus reveals Himself to you. Within you is the kingdom of heaven. Within you is light and love and glory and power. This is not something that you can create or work towards, it is something that God has done. Within your “shack” is the glory of a NEW CREATION.

The colour blue has many significant meanings being heaven, healing, the presence of the Lord, water, the Word of God, the spirit of power, etc. Blue represents who you are as a heavenly being or NEW CREATION.

God is not looking at the perfection of your “shack.” He looks at the beauty of the one He has given birth to. He sees His most beloved and prized possession that lives inside the “shack.” And this “shack” He has chosen to be His holy dwelling place. From within you He shines His light through you. He is not offended by your weaknesses and failures, neither is He impressed with your outward beauty and perfection (status, image, wealth, etc.). He is well aware that the “shack” is temporal and that in the fulness of time He will transform the shack into the most glorious and perfected dwelling place – called your resurrected body.

The Holy Spirit is working in you all that is pleasing to the Father. He sanctifies you; He makes you holy; He brings you into the full knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ and who you are in Him. Your identity is not the one that the world has of you, it’s the one that He has of you.

A good example of a blue shack is that of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man’s shack was spectacular. He had all the fine things of this world. He had fame and fortune and was greatly admired and desired by the world around him. He was loved and honoured and lacked for nothing. Lazarus on the other hand was a poor filthy beggar that sat outside of the rich man’s house, hoping for a little mercy and grace that might come his way from the rich man. Dogs licked his sores and passer-by’s scorned him. He lived in continual lack and pain.

However, at the end of their days who they really were was revealed. The rich man had received all his rewards and spent it all in his lavish life with no regard for God. As a result, there was no place found for him in heaven. His name was not there. But Lazarus, who was nothing more than a useless “shack” carried the treasure of the knowledge of God within him. To heaven he was a great treasure, so much so that the angels came to escort him into paradise.

You see, from an eternal perspective, where God is seated in the heavens, life on earth looks very different. So, don’t go around trying to understand God from a worldly or earthly perspective. This will put you into bondage and a place where you feel unacceptable to God. He is not looking at the outside condition of your shack, He is looking at the one who lives in the shack. You, not your shack, are the apple of His eye and the desire of His heart.

Hello, Blue Shack 😊!






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